Our Mother St Mary – A Humble Soul
Hail to the pride of the human race! Hail to the ladder of Jacob, who through the incarnation has allowed us to reach heaven. The magnificent glory which was given to her absolutely did not decrease by her humility. But rather it was because of this humility that the Lord granted her that glory. “For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant” and made great things for her (Luke 1: 48, 49). HH Pope Shenouda III.
Humility is the foundation upon which all virtues are built up. Humility is the rampart that guards all virtues and all gifts. Any virtue which is void of humility is exposed to be stolen and dispersed by the devil of vain glory. With virtue flowing through the Holy Spirit and being integral characteristics of a true follower of Christ; it then becomes impossible to have a genuine relationship with Christ without humility. We fast during this period to venerate the holy Theotokos, who has blessed our country, provided us with many miracles and unfathomable gifts. But through prayer and fasting, we also display humility, by confessing implicitly that we have no personal power and by mortifying ourselves before God, respectively. It is through humility countless great saints akin to St Antony the great were empowered and defeated the devils conflicting them. Following the words of Christ – “Learn from Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart” (Matthew 11:29).
It is then very evident that God knows a humble soul. “Be humble so that God guards and strengthens you because God looks to the humble. Be humble so that God fills you with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding because it is written that He guides the humble and teaches His ways to the meek.” – St Pachomius the Great