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Our Resurrection | St Shenouda Monastery
By: Bishop Raphael
“Even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us...
Accept My Fasting as a Sacrifice of Love
- Father Youssef Asaad
"Lord, I am indebted to You... indebted to You for my existence in this human form that resembles You, indebted to...
True Joy
By H.G. Bishop Tadros Bishop of Port Said
"Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people." (Luke 2:10)
Selected sayings of the Desert Fathers on Fasting
A leader of a community asked Abba Poemen: “How can I gain the fear of God?” Abba Poemen replied: “How indeed can we gain...
Time and Calendars of Jesus’ Birth
The reckoning of time in antiquity went through a variety of permutations and combinations until Julius Caesar, on the basis of the Egyptian solar...
Jesus the Bridegroom
In our day controversy abounds over the mysterious institution we call "marriage." For some, marriage is a purely human invention, a kind of civil...
Monasticism In The Libyan Desert
After the period of martyrdom came the period of monasticism in Libya. There were remote monastic communities in the mountains and desert that survived...
Theodore of Cyrene
Another Libyan confessor who appears in the Russian Synaxary is Hieromartyr St Theodore (also known as Theuderius). Before his becoming bishop of Cyrene, he...
The Anchorite’s View of the Cell
In current speech, the word "cell" immediately evokes a room where, in a prison, a criminal is locked up, isolated and cut off from...
Return to your cell
A brother in the Cells had put some palm tree leaves to soak and, as he sat down to plait them, his mind told...