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The Desert Fathers on Judging

THE DESERT FATHERS ON NOT JUDGING OTHERS ISAAC THE THEBAN One day Abba Isaac went to a monastery. He saw a brother committing a sin and...

Abba Moses to Abba Poemen – Seven Instructions to Live in...

Seven instructions which Abba Moses sent to Abba Poemen. He who puts them into practice will escape all punishment and will live in peace,...

Spiritual Life in The monastery according to St Pachomius

Spiritual Life in the monastery according to St Pachomius The monastic foundation by Pachomius was primarily a spiritual one, and if it was to be...

The Rules of St Pachomius

The Rules of St Pachomius In the name of the Holy Trinity. The ordinance, which the angel of the Lord commanded to Abba Pachomius. In a...

Services of St Shenouda Monastery: