Tag: Humility
How Do I Respond To Humiliation?
How do I Respond to Humiliation?
Abba Isaiah answers this question as follows: If a person hurled a harsh word at you do not...
An Old Man Refuses The Gift of Seeing Visions
They used to say concerning a certain old man that, on account of the great humility which he possessed, God gave him the gift...
Humility: Consciousness of Sin and Dependence Upon God
For the monks, cultivating a spirit of humility meant moving in two opposite directions at once: fostering both a sense of one's sinfulness and...
How Can We Obtain Humility?
There are people who are humble by nature and there are those who obtained humility through spiritual struggle and much spiritual training. We do...
Examples Of Humility
St. Anthony used to conquer the devils with humility. Whenever they gathered around him, he used to address them humbly, "Ye strong, what do...