Home Authors Posts by St. John Chrysostom

St. John Chrysostom

St. John Chrysostom, known as 'the golden-mouth', was the bishop of Constantinople and is known for his preaching and public speaking.

Fruits Of Christ’s Resurrection

Let us celebrate this greatest and most shining feast, in which the Lord has risen from the dead. Let us celebrate it with joy,...

The Glory Of The Priesthood

The work of the priesthood is done on earth, but it is ranked among heavenly ordinances and this is only right, for no man,...

The Five Ways of Repentance

Do you wish that I shall speak of the ways of repentance? They are many, and various, and different, and all lead to heaven. The...

A Comparison Between a King and a Monk

Since I see that most people love and admire things that seem to be good, rather than things which are by nature beneficial and truly...

Christ Is Risen, Indeed He Is Risen

Let all pious men and all lovers of God rejoice in the splendour of this feast; let the wise servants blissfully enter into the...


“A faithful friend is an elixir of life… A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter” (Ecc 6: 14,16). For what would a genuine friend not...

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