Home News World Youth Day!

World Youth Day!

World youth Day 2020 - St Shenouda Monastery
World youth Day 2020 - St Shenouda Monastery
Youth Day Report
Saturday the 30th May was another successful and blessed day with event of the year, Monastery World Youth Day. What an amazing day it was with Bishop Daniel, the bishop of St Shenouda’s Monastery in Sydney NSW. His dedication and love for the church really shone throughout his talk, and it was really evident that he is walking in the footsteps of St Anthony with his love for the Bible. Bishop Angelos, from the UK, then followed Sayedna’s moving talk with what our role in the world should be, and how we should achieve this. He goes on to state that “witnessing is about life, it’s about giving an example, it’s about giving something to have others aspire to… it is providing an opportunity for others to see Christ through us.”  This talk was truly moving and really preached St Paul’s words “it is not I who lives but Christ who lives in me.” May we all learn to live the life that St Paul lived. 
Who would have thought that Egyptians can have other talents than being a Doctor? Well if you didn’t, you’re wrong! We heard an amazing talk from the Scottish Egyptian Sisters known as the “Ayoub Sisters” who spoke about how they chose to follow their dreams and passions. Their classical music combined with their love for God was truly obvious when their album debuted number one. These girls were a true inspiration with so much peace and joy that radiated throughout their talk.
From musical stars to an intellectual star, Professor Malcom’s passion also shone when he discussed with us “the Times of St Anthony” and what life was like in fourth century Egypt. It was really amazing to see people from all over the world uniting together and Fr Anthony using the spotlight feature to meet new people and get to know them! 
We then heard from an incredible youth member from St Marks Church in Sydney. Martina discusses one of St Anthony’s sayings “our life and death is with our neighbour.” She definitely moved everyone during this talk and got everyone thinking and contemplating about this. Finally, the cherry on top of this amazing day, we got to hear and see the amazing works of the worldly saint, Mamma Maggie. Mamma Maggie is truly the modern day Mother Theresa. Her life is for the orphans at Stephen’s Children in Cairo. This incredible woman is a role model for all of us. 
The World Teens Day was another memorable day and I think we definitely learnt a lot from that day. Despite being over a live online talk, it definitely still felt united. Thank you to Bishop Daniel for allowing this day to happen. We can’t wait for the next one! I’m sure it’ll be just as good or even better!