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Tag: Instruction For Life

How Do I Respond To Humiliation?

How do I Respond to Humiliation? Abba Isaiah answers this question as follows: If a person hurled a harsh word at you do not...

Showing Longsuffering Then Becoming High Minded?

If it happens that I show longsuffering in some matter, my thought becomes high-minded; how should I be thinking about this? When you...

St. Macarius The Spiritbearer

Macarius the Great, also called Macarius the Egyptian (to distinguish him from Macarius of Alexandria) is one of the most venerated saints of the...

Putting On Christ

All the works, visibly done in this world, are done out of a certain hope of enjoying one's labors and unless anyone is fully...

Instructions To A Monk

My son, listen and be wise, accept the true doctrine, for there are many ways. Be able to obey God like Abraham, who abandoned...

The Life According To The Commandments Of The Gospel

From his very early entry into the monastery, a monk should occupy himself with all possible care and attention with the reading of the...

Holy Scripture In The Life Of A Monk

During my last retreat to the monasteries in Egypt last January and in my numerous spiritual consultations with many of the elders, the topic...

The Study Of Scripture Is An Instruction For Life

The study of inspired Scripture is the chief way of finding our duty, for in it we find both instruction about conduct and the...

What Stops Us From Confession?

Confession is one of the seven sacraments of the church. Despite Confession being a heavenly sacrament, there appears to be a number of people...

The Benefits of Spiritual Reading

Reading, in general, gathers the mind from its wandering and leads it to concentrate on the subject of the reading. When the topic of...

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