Home News 11th Congress of Coptic Studies (July 25th – 30th)

11th Congress of Coptic Studies (July 25th – 30th)

11th Congress of Coptic Studies (July 25th - 30th) - St Shenouda Monastery Pimonakhos Articles

Fr Theodore and I have been very fortunate to be part of the 11th congress Coptic studies, thanks to Bishop Daniel’s encouragement and support. The Congress is hosted by Claremont Graduate University and St Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society.

The Congress basically is an academic conference where scholars of Coptic studies from around the world get together to present their work on their area of research.

It might come as a surprise to many of you that the majority of scholars working on the field of Coptic studies are not Coptic. In recent years though the number of Coptic scholars is increasing.

Some of the research topics that are presented vary from monastic, liturgical, archaeological, manuscript study, hagiography (lives of saints), translation of the Coptic Bible, etc.
We are used to learning about these topic in spiritual talks and sermons but I tell you it is very interesting to look at these variety of topics in an academic point of view. Not only does it add to our knowledge base, but also a whole new set of saints and aspects of our church that we didn’t know exist. But even on a spiritual level it makes one appreciate many things we have in the church (art, liturgy, monastic tradition, lives of saints, etc) that we take for granted.
In the next few days I’ll update you further on some of the research and events of the conference.


The congress is on its way and more and more scholars are presenting their fine work. From a group of scholars who are working on digitising the bible to those working on the lives of saint, others about the different parts of the liturgy.

What’s more interesting is the number of Coptic youth who are doing masters and PhD thesis at prestigious US universities. These guys are doing it full time. Some of these guys are from Australia!!


Outside the lecture rooms there was a book display. To my surprise they had some of our books on display :))


Throughout the day on Tuesday we prayed an all Coptic mass with Bishop Kyrollos and all the other priests. After the liturgy they took us for a tour around the Claremont Graduate School of Theology.
