Home Christian Living H.H. Pope Kyrillos VI – On The Divine Liturgy

H.H. Pope Kyrillos VI – On The Divine Liturgy

On The Divine Liturgy - St Shenouda Monastery Pimonakhos Articles

Pope Kyrillos Praying massIn a letter to a monk ordained a priest, H.H Pope Kyrillos wrote, “Grace and peace from our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, our guide and comforter. I pray that you are in good spiritual and physical health, rejoicing in this heavenly gift that you were called to by Christ our God and High Priest to the office of priesthood. He gave you this talent to grow and multiply. I congratulate you from all my heart, praying that our Saviour may protect and strengthen you with His right hand, and render your service for the glory of His holy name. Do your best to memorize the Divine Liturgy and present offerings during these severe times. St. Isaac said, ‘ When the priest offers the bread and the wine on the Altar, the Holy Spirit descends upon them, and provides a means of forgiveness for all creation’. St. Isaac emphasized that the focus should be on this unity.

St. Cyril the Great, who composed the Liturgy we use today, said, ‘Do not cast us away, for the filthiness of our sins. For, as our Creator knows, no one born of a woman can be considered pure before You. Lord, make us worthy, that with a pure heart, and a soul filled with Your grace, to present to You this holy, spiritual, bloodless offering, pleading forgiveness for our errors and the sins of Your people’. Consider the great gift you received and be active in presenting the offerings. Ask and plead to God with all of your heart, that when the Holy Spirit descends on these offerings, God may be merciful to the world, and behold His church and restore it to its past glory. Pray for me, and for my weakness. I send greetings to you and your brethren, each one by his name.”

On Supplication During the Divine Liturgy. “In all that you require, supplicate the Lord with unceasing prayers during the Liturgy, for this is an opportune time. It is during the Liturgy that the doors of heaven are open. It is the time that Christ is present among us, offering His flesh and blood in Holy Communion, so that we may live and be granted the forgiveness of our sins.”

He also wrote a letter to encourage and strengthen the people of the church: “Everyday, during the Divine Liturgy, entreat God to preserve you with His mighty hand and His embracing arm to protect you from every evil and anything akin to evil. Also, pray that the angel of peace surround you and save you.”

The above are a collection of letters that H.H. wrote to monks about the Divine Liturgy.