It is not only a single time that God has talked about the death of the righteous and of the wicked people, it is written that: “When the righteous person dies, it is regretted, but the destruction of the impious person is renounced, and people rejoice over it”. And again: “When a good person dies, his hope does not perish, but the boasts of the impious will perish and their hope as well”. And again: “The death of the righteous is precious before God”, but “the death of sinners is evil.” What is more precious than the death of someone who will leave his body and go with the Lord and be with Him forever.
But let us praise God, my beloved; let us not be angry with Him! Rather, let us mourn by weeping for him who lives as if he were dead. For the righteous one has not died; rather, he is sleeping and awaiting the hour of the resurrection. When people who are evil in their lifetime die, it is appropriate to mourn them, for they are going to the judgment. But when good people die, it is appropriate to praise them, for their death is precious, as it is written: “The death of the Lord’s holy ones is precious in his sight.” (from a sermons titled “On Cleaving to Profitable Things” Trans: David Brakke)